Wieringen is a former island between the Wadden Sea and Zuiderzee and is wonderfully beautiful. Rolling greenery, wooded banks that protect cattle and cyclists from the wind of the sea, historic farms, cozy villages, winding roads. And the sea is always close by, and so are the sea birds. Gulls, fish thieves, spoonbills and geese call Wieringen their home.

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Camperlocation Zuiderstrand
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De Afsluitdijk
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Those who know the Netherlands a little, know that it has a rich history with water. Characteristic icons such as mills, polders, pumping stations, mounds and dikes are good examples of this. The Afsluitdijk is perhaps the most impressive example of Dutch Delta Design. And with more than 600,000 visitors annually, also one of the most popular waterworks in the Netherlands.
The Chapel
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- Den Oever
Nowadays the Chapel building has a function as a village house / event location. The space can be rented for various activities such as weddings, receptions, meetings, birthday parties and other gatherings. The Chapel has crockery for 50 guests, so that a (bread) meal / buffet can be enjoyed if necessary.
Sportvisserij Stella
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Foundation Water Recreation Wieringen
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A 2 to 2½ hour trip that starts at the Oostkade. We sail through the harbors of Den Oever and past the sluices in the Afsluitdijk. Then we sail along the "Losse Dam" where the spoonbills and cormorants breed and along drier sandbanks where seals rest.
De Houtzolder
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- Den Oever
A pub in the Havenstraat of the town of Den Oever.
VVV Informatiecentrum Vikingen op Wieringen
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- Den Oever
The only exhibition about the Vikings in the Netherlands What to see and do? • the spectacular silver treasures of the Vikings, found at Westerklief Wieringen • original jewelry, weapons and utensils of the Vikings • a replica of a Viking Ship Roskilde • a Viking tent with decor • an education room where you can perform a real archaeological research (school classes welcome!) A Viking in the classroom? Call and make a reservation! Also information packets available for lectures.