The only exhibition about the Normans in the Netherlands! What can you see and experience? • the spectacular silver treasures of the Vikings, found in Westerklief op Wieringen • original jewelery, weapons and utensils of the Vikings • a replica of one of the Viking ships of Roskilde • a Viking tent with furnishings • an education room where you can perform a real archaeological research ( school classes welcome!) A Viking in the classroom? Call and book! Information packages are available especially for making speaking engagements.

Nearby locations
Zingende Wielen
- Location
- Den Oever
Restaurant 'de Zingende Wielen' is located on the former island Wieringen in between the villages Den Oever and Oosterland. To have breakfast, lunch and an excellent diner, but also for a cup of coffee you are most welcome.
Campersite harbour Den Oever
- Location
- Den Oever
At Oostkade in the harbor of Den Oever you will find a campersite. Toilet building after payment to the harbor master to use code of the door.
Peilschaalhuisje Den Oever
- Location
- Den Oever
The gauge house in the harbor of Den Oever was used to record the water level. There are two of these houses on Wieringen.
CIV Den Oever
- Location
- Den Oever
Sportvisserijbedrijf G.M. Kooij
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- Den Oever
Sport fishing Boskma
- Location
- Den Oever
A great idea to go fishing with family or friends. Sport fishing company Boskma arranges an all-in package.
Foundation Water Recreation Wieringen
- Location
- Den Oever
A 2 to 2½ hour trip that starts at the Oostkade. We sail through the harbors of Den Oever and past the sluices in the Afsluitdijk. Then we sail along the "Losse Dam" where the spoonbills and cormorants breed and along drier sandbanks where seals rest.
Palingrokerij Kay – Den Oever
- Location
- Den Oever
Palingrokerij Kay - Den Oever is a mobile eel smokehouse with a 5-star status. The eel comes from our own catch, IJsselmeer or even from Ireland. For the gourmets there is also smoked salmon and mackerel. During the season, own eel is caught on the Wadden Sea, you can see the traps when you look out to sea at the Monument! Come and have a look, you are very welcome.
The Sea is alive! Eco-tour
- Location
- Den Oever
An adventurous tour looking for seals and other sea animals. Discover what you didn’t know about the sea, both above and below water! The boats of the Wadvissersgilde will take you to the most beautiful places of the Wadden Sea, which you can’t see from the dyke. You will be visiting the Wieringer grounds and will be told about this special area. During the trip, the seabed will be trawled and the marine life hoisted onboard to uncover what hides beneath. From crawly crabs to glassy shrimps, you will have the opportunity to admire these sea animals from up close.