Wieringerboerderij Jan Lont

Wieringerboerderij Jan Lont

The monumental Wieringer farm from 1854 is covered with reeds. There was room for 6 cows, a horse and a few sheep. The house is covered with the old Dutch roof tile. Interior elements have been preserved in the traditional farmhouse, such as the bedsteads and a characteristic fireplace, but the stable can still be recognized as such. The last inhabitants of this traditional Wieringer farm are Jan Lont and brother Jaap Lont. For years, Jan collected everyday items to preserve Wieringen’s cultural heritage. Many Wieringers brought tools or other items to Jan to enlarge the cultural-historical collection. In 1991 the farm was sold for 1 guilder to the ‘Vereniging Museum Jan Lont’. Jan always lived in the museum farm until his death. In the Wieringer Eilandmuseum Jan Lont you imagine yourself in the time when Wieringen was still an island. The daily life of the islanders has been preserved here. From everyday objects to agricultural tools and nets for fishing. There is also plenty to see in the yard around the farm. Sources Wieringer Island Museum Jan Lont via www.museumjanlont.nl Historical Association Wieringen via www.archiefhvw.nl Infinite North Holland via www.onh.nl North Holland Farm Foundation via www.boerderijenstichting.nl/beeldbank Reasonable description of the monument via www.monumentenregister.cultureelerfgoed.nl

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