Tiger workshop

Tiger workshop

At the Lion Foundation feline predators in need are sheltered and if possible prepared for reintroduction to the wild. The foundation offers the tiger workshops to make people aware of the precarious situation of these animals in the wild and in captivity. The proceeds of the workshop all go towards the realisation of the foundation’s objectives. Content of the tiger workshop: – Follow the keeper’s path to see eye to eye with the big cats. – See the inside enclosures, the operating room and the training hall. – Watch how the animals are transported to the training hall. – Watch a big cat hunt meat on the hunting simulator. – The highlight of the workshop: feed a tiger. Of course the participants will be safe from the animal behind the steel wire mesh. Only animals that are not suited for return to the wild will be fed in this way. – Receive more information about the objectives of the Lion Foundation. – Enjoy the animal park and the rest of the Estate Hoenderdaell, as entry is included in the workshop price.  Price: € 150 per person. The workshop is held six times a week and is led by experienced volunteers. All proceeds go towards the foundation and are spent on the care for the animals. Participants have to be 16 years or older. The workshop takes about 2,5 hours. We regret that less-abled (both physically and mentally) visitors cannot participate. Reservation is mandatory. We ask you to arrive 15 minutes before the workshop starts at the Lion Foundation. From the entrance of Hoenderdaell it takes about 20 minutes to walk to the Lion Foundation. Please keep this in mind. It is not possible to receive cash back at the cancellation of the workshop. For converting the booking to another date, 10 euro administration fee will be charged. The tiger workshop can be attended on: – Wednesday, from 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Friday, from 10 am to 12.30 am or from 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm. – Saturday, from 10 am to 12.30 am or from 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Sunday, from 10 am to 12.30 am

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