Southeast of Den Helder lies the beautiful nature reserve World Heritage Waddenzee. The Balgzand is the the western part of the Waddenzee. This area is very important for migrating birds and for fish. To have as many people as possible know about this beautiful reserve, Nature information center Balgzand ‘t Kuitje hosts wad excursions organised by the Waddenvereniging.

Nature information center Balgzand, ‘t Kuitje
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- Den Helder
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- Den Helder
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La Cubanita Den Helder
- Location
- Den helder
- Today's opening hours
Open today van
16:00 tot 20:00
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Marine Watersport Organization
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- Den Helder
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Museumhaven Willemsoord
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- Den Helder
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- Den Helder
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Lightship Texel
- Location
- Den Helder
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