Cinema Zevenskoop is een gezellig filmhuis met een intieme sfeer. We vertonen elke week een film die op een of meer manieren extra mooi is. Vaak zijn het prijswinnende films met prachtige beelden, geweldige acteurs en/of een belangrijk verhaal. Wij ontvangen veel Helders publiek, maar ook mensen van buiten de stad weten ons te vinden. En mensen die alleen komen, vinden gemakkelijk aanspraak, over de film of iets anders. Kom gewoon eens naar Zevenskoop voor een leuk avondje uit! De entreeprijs is € 9,00
Nearby locations
- Location
- Den helder
The Balgzandpolder is entirely designed for birds. You always see birds here resting or looking for food. At high tide in the Wadden Sea there are extra birds to be seen here. They can often be admired from a short distance via a viewing screen. Birds that you can see, for example, are spoonbills, many species of ducks, large groups of oystercatchers and redshanks and amongst them rarer birds such as spotted redshanks and greenshanks.
Mindsz gallery & upcycle workplace
- Location
- Den Helder
Mindsz gallery & upcycle workplace has surprising and unique designer furniture and home accessories, made out of recycled materials. Upcycling is the base principle with which we work, where durability and recycling are important factors. Materials and objects are being re-used and usually get a totally different function. Every product has a unique characters because of it. Mindsz also has the goal to offer a workplace for people who are psychologically vulnerable and have a big distance to the job market.
Navymuseum Den Helder
- Location
- Den Helder
The Navy Museum is now a maritime interactive learning center for all ages. The latest addition to the museum is the home of the bridge de Ruyter: Meet the guided weapon frigate and his crew and learn all about the 3-D radar! The Navy Museum also has possiblities for meetings. You can also visit a dutch submarine.
Entertainment orchestra HFC
- Location
- Den Helder
The Helderse Fanfare Corps is founded 28th of August 1923 and has 2 departments, the amusement choir and de farmer's chapel 'de Bloaspoepers'
Marina W.S.V. Onrust
- Location
- Den Helder
The marina of our organization is situated around the ''Onrust'' area. On the one side the basin and the Spoorharbor, and at the other side the Canal of Den Helder. In total we have around 100 berths. The births vary in size from 6 meters to around 17 meters.
- Location
- Den Helder
Enjoy our delicious pies. We have the well-known fruit pies but also pies for example with Oreo Cookies. Are you looking for a gluten or lactose free flan? We can offer it.
De Stad- en Stellingroute
- Location
- Den Helder
The Helderse Vallei is the starting point of the 4 well-marked canoe routes from Den Helder with various footbridges along the way. In addition, Den Helder has various waterways that are easily accessible for canoes. The city and defense route (red route, 6 km there and 6 km back) passes Fort Dirks Admiraal, Fort Erfprins, Fort Westoever, the line and Willemsoord.
Batterij Begraafplaats
- Location
- Den Helder
Batterij begraafplaats herbergt bijzondere verhalen. De bunker, door Nederlanders geplaatst, werd opgeleverd op 26 april 1940.
Ice-cream parlour Kaap Hoorn
- Location
- Den Helder
When the spring sun shows itself, the ice fun starts. People of all ages eagerly gather round the display of ice-cream parlour Kaap Hoorn at Willemsoord. It is often a difficult choice between all the wonderful, artisan ice-cream flavours. But it is not just the ice-cream, also our special, rich-flavoured coffees are made with love and passion. Why not have some ice-cream to go with your coffee, instead of a cookie?