The typical Wieringer farm from around 1890 is located on the former Viking island of Wieringen. A beautiful B&B has been realized with 3 large rooms with private facilities and a Bed & Kitchen for 4 people. The B&B also has a coffee/tea house where you can have a nice drink while enjoying something delicious. Everyone is welcome.

Koffiehuis Op Zestien
Nearby locations
Koningsveld, B&B
- Location
- Hippolytushoef
Have a very pleasant stay in one of the two appartements situated in this beautiful Wieringer farm right in the middle of the rural countryside of Wieringen. Wieringen, a former island, now connected to the mainland by the Aflsluitdijk en Amsteldiepdijk lies at the Waddensea and the lakes: Amstelmeer and IJsselmeer. It's only 15 minutes drive to the Nordsea beach. You will find lots of space and possibilties like surfing, sailing, swimming, wad-walking, biking,walking, fishing or sealspotting. This is where you will find our B&B 1.5 km outs
Uit Eigen Streek
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- Hippolytushoef
Uit Eigen Streek offers the most delicious Dutch regional products and delicacies. At Uit Eigen Streek you will find a multitude of special gifts and tasty flavors from all over the country, including many from North Holland and the Wadden area. Consider, for example, cranberry and sea buckthorn products, Dutch garlic products, Wieringer Jodenkoeken, real farmhouse cheese, organic dairy and strawberries.
The Wieringer bookshop
- Location
- Hippolytushoef
De Wieringer bookshop: The aim was (and is) to give the islanders, but also passers-by, the feeling that they have missed something when they have not been inside. Every visit to the bookstore should be a party. We think we have succeeded in that aim. Everyone, young and old, can look around uninhibitedly, browse and enjoy what each book entails. The atmosphere is pleasant and homely. Feel free to sit down in one of the chairs and read the first chapter of the book that you will be taking home with you.
Patronage building
- Location
- Hippolytushoef
The patronage building was built in 1906 for the education of the Roman Catholic youth of the adjacent church.
De Groot Recreatie
- Location
- Hippolytushoef
Een zee van mogelijkheden voor een onvergetelijk verblijf op Wieringen voormalig eiland in de Waddenzee.
Evean Thuiszorg
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- Hippolytushoef
Wieringer Eilandmuseum
- Location
- Hippolytushoef
The farm of the last resident and owner Jan Lont is located on the Zuiderzee island of Wieringen. This is now the Wieringer Eilandmuseum.
Piet Hooiveld groente en fruit
- Location
- Hippolytushoef
On Saturday morning Piet and Age stand with their fruit and vegetable stall on the Kerkplein with beautiful fresh local products.
Voormalige doopsgezinde pastorie
- Location
- Hippolytushoef
De voormalige pastorie is gebouwd in 1898 en is een gemeentelijk monument.