Stichting Stelling Den Helder

Stichting Stelling Den Helder

The Defense Line Den Helder is one of the oldest military defense lines still in the Netherlands. The Defense Line was commissioned by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte to protect the Marinewerf Willemsoord. The city of Den Helder owes its current shape to this Defense Line, which is still largely present in the landscape. The Stelling Den Helder Foundation was established in 1989 with the aim of restoring, developing and managing the Stelling Den Helder. Afterwards, enthusiasm increased for the nautical and military-historical defenses of the Defense Line Den Helder, of which the Willemsoord shipyard is a part. The Defense Line Den Helder is essential for the authenticity and identity of Den Helder. A complete restoration of the position also contributes to strengthening the recreational, tourist, landscape and ecological face of Den Helder and the region.

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