Heidense kapel – Smerperweg

Heidense kapel – Smerperweg

A chapel was built on the Stroe cemetery in 2016. At the time, a group of local residents took the initiative to build a sober and compact chapel at this special location. There are several stories about this location. According to tradition, Willibrord founded a wooden church on this location around 700 AD. Around 1100 the first tuff church was built on this site. The small church was known to the community as ‘De Heidense Kapel’. The small church was demolished around 1880. It is therefore not known what exactly this chapel and any predecessors may have looked like. The current chapel opened in 2016. The chapel is open from sunrise to sunset. Check the website for more information. Sources Website of the Heidense Kapel: www.heidensekapel.info

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