De Nacht van de Nacht – Avondwandeling in de Noordduinen

De Nacht van de Nacht – Avondwandeling in de Noordduinen

Experience the magic of the night during a special evening walk through the forest, the dunes and along the beach. As dusk falls, your senses are stimulated in a unique way. The feeling of nature under your feet, the smell of the fresh air, and the sounds of the night make this walk unforgettable. Discover how beautiful the night can be!

Stop and think about light pollution

This excursion coincides with the Night of the Night, an event that draws attention to the excessive lighting in our country. The Netherlands is one of the most illuminated countries in the world, with countless illuminated buildings, billboards and street lamps. But what does this do to nature, and can it not be a bit less?

The importance of darkness

Darkness is essential for nature and the animals that live in it. During the walk in the dunes around Den Helder you will discover why dark places should be cherished. What can you still see by the light of the moon and the stars, and which nocturnal animals cross your path? An unforgettable experience where you experience the beauty of the night in a whole new way!