You can go for delicious ice cream and sandwiches at the Egelantier in Kolhorn. When the weather is nice you can enjoy it on the terrace with a view of Kolhorn. Who knows, a few boats are just passing by.
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The pumping station was built in 1927 and is equipped with a pump installation driven by electric motors. The building was built in a sleek variant of the Amsterdam School. The facades are built in clean masonry and the building has a striking tiled roof, covered with red tiles. Until recently, the pumping station drained the Schagerkoggeboezem and kept an area of 3,000 hectares dry.
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Monumentale woning en schuur – Nieuwe Streek 36
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De Laurenskerk
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The building may date from the 15th century, but was later modified with a three-sided closure and a northern extension. After considerable damage in the village fire of 15 September 1788, the church was restored in 1791-1792. The tower consists of a simple 19th-century tower with an eight-sided spire.