Children’s farm De Regenmortel
Children's farm de Regenmortel is a zoo in the heart of Breezand and is run entirely by volunteers. From 15 April to 31 October, Kinderboerderij de Regenmortel is open every Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 14:00 to 16:00. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the animals while enjoying a cup of coffee, tea or lemonade, the children (but also adults) can help with their work or color a coloring page in / at the log cabin. An activity is regularly offered to the children and / or adults. So keep an eye on the Facebook page.
Petting Zoo Heeren loo
In january of 2018, the new children's farm at Noorderhaven opened its doors. The farm consists of 4 animal quarters voor small cattle, goats, pigs and donkeys. The deer camp has space for 5 deers and in the horse field stay Fjorden and Tinkers. The farm is a place where it's fun to work at and spend time. The residents of Noorderhaven feed the animals and clean their enclosures.